• Prototype

    Refactor, refactor and refactor Development is going well on the new game for which I am using the working name ‘Prototype’, very creative I know. I have been able to leverage the project management tools in Github to great effect. It really helps keep my ADHD brain on track and keeps me focused on specific…

  • Development Begins

    In my quest to learn more about game development and C#, I recently started work on another game. PopIt! was a simple game which was great to use as a way to understand the process of getting a game ready for launch on Steam. Now that I am armed with the knowledge of how to…

  • PopIt! on Steam

    I have put in motion everything that is needed to get PopIt! onto the Steam platform. It was a little more complicated than I originally anticipated, but now that I have done it once it should be easier in the future. I have recently switched to a complete Linux setup and I still need to…

  • Hello world!

    This is our new website. We really hope you like it. Cheers,Keith