
Refactor, refactor and refactor

Development is going well on the new game for which I am using the working name ‘Prototype’, very creative I know. I have been able to leverage the project management tools in Github to great effect. It really helps keep my ADHD brain on track and keeps me focused on specific tasks instead of getting distracted by the next shiny object, although this still does happen from time to time.

I have been focused on getting the main systems and mechanics completed so that there is a somewhat functional game loop which can be tested and played with. So far I have been able to complete the following systems/mechanics:

  • Player movement
  • Enemy base class
  • Basic Enemy
  • Running Enemy
  • Observing Enemy
  • Portal Enemy
  • Turret Enemy
  • Player Powerups (Basic shot, multishot, heat seeking, shield, laser and mines.)
  • Enemy Spawn Manager System
  • Power Up Spawn Manager System
  • Basic Points and Power Up timer tracking on the UI
  • Player Death
  • Replay Button

Though a lot of these systems may seem simple, it allows me to create a typical arcade game loop which I expect will be somewhat close to the final product that I scoped for.

Many of these systems I had written in pieces, and improved upon by refactoring and attempting to reduce redundancies as much as possible. Could it be better? Most likely, but learning to min/max those efficiencies will come in time.

Next up on the chopping block will probably enemy health.
